I've worked in some of the poorest, crime and gang-ridden areas of this country (namely Newark NJ).
The first thing I see is the little kids. Toddlers, five year olds - super cute innocent kids!
And I look around and the filith they are surrounded by. . . . and I think to myself: How do they even stand a chance? How can anything good come out of a shithole like this?
And the thing is, they are lots of good people too, people who are just stuck with this shit because they were born into it too.
So, yeah, I do get the societal problem. It is shameful, particularly in the most wealthy country in the world. . . . run by a bunch of folks who largely identify as "Christians." It is absolute bullshit.
But to conflate societal woes with the behavior of an individual who chose to behave in a way that would almost certainly get anyone killed just does not make sense.